Planned Giving

Empowering the Future: The Inspiring Journey of a Young Alumni Donor

Patrick Cassleman with his family

Patrick Casselman ’96, with his wife, Becca, and children Belle, 12, Cole, 9, and Quinn, 1.

Spanning more than 2,000 miles, traversing three time zones, and encompassing more than 20 years since he bid farwell to Michigan, Patrick Cassleman '96 stands resolute in his dedication to his alma mater. Not even the vast expanse of distance and time can fracture his unwavering allegiance to University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy—the very institution that etched an indelible mark on his life's canvas.

When Patrick was exploring his options for high school, upon completing eight years of public schooling, his late father, Thomas, had encouraged him to consider Catholic education. Following visits to another Catholic school near his home, Patrick made the decision that would ultimately set the stage for where his four younger brothers—Paul ’99, Sean ’02, David ’08, and Louis ’15—would also attend. Their father was strong in his Catholic faith, even spending eight years in the seminary, before he decided on a different path of marriage and family. Their father knew and understood the Jesuit philosophy and education that Patrick would finally decide on.

Patrick took the high school placement exam and scored in the high percentage that automatically qualified him for a merit scholarship to U of D Jesuit. He would ultimately realize this scholarship was a gift that he wants to pay forward today. His hope is to give other public-school students who want to attend U of D Jesuit, the opportunity to do so with his planned gift. The idea of including U of D Jesuit in his estate plan came to him by fellow classmate and his financial advisor, Jerry Mangona ’96.

“God put us on Earth to take the gifts we’re given and maximize our potential,” Patrick said. “I’ve been lucky enough to have this great education and form across mind, body and spirit. I would like to give back what was given to me because I’m young and can do it now. Why wait?”

He reflects on how different his life would have been had he not received the scholarship to U of D Jesuit. But he also knows he made the most of his time here including playing on the Lacrosse team, participating as a member of the production crew in the theater program, among other interests. Some of his fondest memories include being involved in one of the first mission trips to the Dominican Republic and his formative experience at Kairos.

As with many alumni, they often hold dear an educator or staff member that was an influential part of their lives. For Patrick that person was Brother McCullough, S.J., the school counselor. Patrick’s mother, Angela passed away when he was only six years old. While his father ultimately re-married his stepmother, Elizabeth, who raised him and his brothers, Patrick never really processed the loss of his mother until he crossed paths in freshman year with Brother McCullough, who guided him through a grieving process he had not fully realized.

“When we remind ourselves of a person in our life who made an impact, it’s also a reminder that there is good, and we just need to keep doing good for others,” Patrick said. “I’m really grateful for that.”

Today, Patrick, who works as a Senior Director, Sustainability and Strategy, resides in Edmonds, Washington with his wife Becca, and three children Belle (12), Cole (9) and Quinn (1). He says setting an estate plan for U of D Jesuit was easy and you don’t have to fund it all at once.

“The mechanics of funding a scholarship over time is quite simple,” Patrick said. “You do not have to make a massive commitment all at once. You can arrange a lasting gift to suit you in a way that is still significant and makes a life-long impact in a student’s life.”

What sets U of D Jesuit apart from other schools? “It’s about the Jesuit approach of mind, body and spirit equal parts,” Patrick said. “All of those areas are covered and you really emerge as Man for Others with the perspective of how to go and change the world in the right way.”

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